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Contact us

If you have further questions about the New Kreisau or the work of our foundation please call, email, or write to us at:

Managing Director:

Anna Quirin

Assistent to the Management:

Thomas Runge

Freya von Moltke Foundation for the New Kreisau

Postal address:
c/o Allianz AG
Merlitzstr. 9
12489 Berlin | Germany

Visitor address:
c/o Allianz AG
Merlitzstr. 8
12489 Berlin | Germany

Tel: +49 (030) 53 8931 63 61

Email: info(at)fvms.de

Bank Information
Freya von Moltke Foundation | Kto-Nr: 40 52 00 68 00 | BLZ: 120 800 00
Commerzbank AG
IBAN: DE79 1208 0000 4052 0068 00

The Freya von Moltke Foundation is a non profit organization authorized to issue tax receipts (Finanzamt für Körperschaften I, Berlin, Steuernummer: 27/607/02054).