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Goals of the Foundation

The future of the New Kreisau is not assured. It lacks secure institutional funding and therefore must finance itself by having program participants pay fees and by renting out its facilities. There is a desperate need for the New Kreisau's facilities to have well-working equipment that is in a good state as well as continual maintenance work on the facility.

Therefore, the Freya von Moltke Foundation for the New Kreisau has the following goals:

  • To fund the work of the New Kreisau and ensure the maintenance of this international meeting and memorial site;
  • To provide special funding enabling meetings between Eastern and Western Europeans.
  • To encourage discussion of 20th century European history with particular emphasis on anti-democratic regimes, economic setbacks, and issues created by European unification.
  • And finally, to inform European youth about the legacy of resistance work rooted here in Kreisau and about continuing violations of international law around the world through programs offered by the New Kreisau.

The Foundation seeks to achieve this goal by increasing public awareness, contributing financially to the preservation and maintenance of the facilities, and supporting numerous events.

By raising at least three million Euros, the Foundation could guarantee the continuation of the New Kreisau. In order to achieve its goals the Foundation aims to bring together a large circle of friends and supporters for benefit events and fundraising campaigns in Germany, as well as worldwide.