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Named Funds

With a named fund, the Founder decides how their endowment will be used in key activities at the New Kreisau. The targeted support can be permanently named after him or herself, or a selected name.

  • Hans-Joachim Klupschs Lydia Fund

The fund was created in memory of our long-time donor, Hans-Joachim Klupsch, who died in May 2010. Before his passing, he planed to start a fund for his Aunt Lydia. She was a nanny for the von Moltke's and saved Helmuth James from drowning in the nearby river twice. The Fund has a regional focus and is used to help with the integration of young people from the neighbouring villages into youth projects at Kreisau. Befitting in the spirit of the deceased, the Fund supports artistic summer projects and sport facilities at Kreisau.

  • Dr. Werner Minzlaff Fund

Christel Neubelt-Minzlaff established the fund in early 2009 in memory of her late husband, Dr. Werner Minzlaff, who passed away a year earlier. The fund has a capital stock of 30,000 euro and with the target of the funds support being children and young people from Eastern Europe. In particular they shall be enabled to participate in international meetings in Kreisau.