Site notice

Freya von Moltke Foundation for the New Kreisau

Postal address:
c/o Allianz AG
Merlitzstr. 9
12489 Berlin | Germany

Visitor address:
c/o Allianz AG
Merlitzstr. 8
12489 Berlin | Germany

Tel: +49 (030) 53 8931 63 61

Email: info(at)

The Freya von Moltke Foundation for the New Kreisau is a foundation under civil law.

Authorization to solely represent is held by the Chairman of the Board and his deputy, or their authorized persons.

Controlling authority:

Senatsverwaltung für Justiz
Salzburger Straße 21-25
10825 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 / 9013 - 0

Tax number: 27/607/02054

Sven Sochaczewsky

Corporate design:
Katharina und Jürgen Volk, plan p. GmbH (Hamburg)

Edited by
Maria Rossmanith, Julien Then

Krzysztof Ignaciuk, Maria Rossmanith, Nina von Moltke, Yanti Großmann, Patrick Lynn, Justyna Nowinska, Esther Reichert, Dr. Agnieszka von Zanthier, Spencer Coulter

Dr. Matthias von Hülsen, Kreisau-Initiative Berlin e.V., Monika Lawrenz, Familie von Moltke, Foundation Krzyzowa for European Understanding, Laura Brüggemann, Maria Rossmanith, Julien Then

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