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The Kreisau Network

In 2004, the Freya von Moltke Foundation for the New Kreisau was founded. It is a foundation that is supported by the community with benefactors and donors from Germany, Poland, and the United States. Based in Germany, its aim is to support a sustainable Kreisau, secure the work of all activities in the New Kreisau and publicity for their activities. 

Also different other institutions utilize the New Kreisau - Krzyżowa - as a European meeting place. Since 1989, an extensive network developed around the New Kreisau. The Freya von Moltke Foundation is the latest link in this network. The other main groups in this network are:

The Krzyzowa Foundation (fundacja Krzyżowa dla Porozumienia Europejskiego) is the owner and operator of todays Kreisau: the former estate of Kreisau, the International Youth Meeting Center, the memorial, the European Academy, and the International Conference Centre Kreisau. During the political upheaval of 1989, the International Citizens Movement began to advocate for the reconstruction of Kreisau and thus the Foundation was created in 1990. The Kreisau Foundation is a foundation under Polish law and their bodies are international.

For more information: www.krzyzowa.org.pl

The Kreisau-Initiative e.V. is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, as well as moral and material support for the Foundation Kreisau. Created in the summer of 1989, it is the most senior supporter of the New Kreisau and has about multiple hundreds of members throughout Germany. In 2002 the Initiative was founded and since then, in its office in Berlin they have initiated projects in Kreisau, ensuring its funding and implementation. The Initiative works closely with the aforementioned Krzyzowa Foundation to provide them with networking and public relations opportunities in Germany. Since the establishment of the Krzyzowa Foundation, the Kreisau Initiative sends a representative to their Board of Trustees. In 2004, the Initiative was together with the family von Moltke founder of the Freya von Moltke Foundation and therefore both have permanent seats on the Board of the Freya von Moltke Foundation.

For more information: www.kreisau.de

The Association of Friends of Kreisau (Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Krzyżowej) in Wrocław emerged in the early 1990’s to support the work of the New Kreisau. They want to allow understanding and meeting among the nations that were enemies during wartime, such as those between Poles and Germans. The Association visits schools, conducts meetings and other educational trips to Kreisau, organizes lectures on social and political issues, and projects in collaboration with the Foundation Kreisau, such as at the celebration of the 100th Birthday of Helmuth James von Moltke, in Wrocław in 2007.

For more information: Towarzystwo: Przyjaciół Krzyżowej ul-Szolc Rogozińskiego 3, 53-209 Wrocław, Poland

The Kreisau Initiative Würzburg e.V. was founded in early 1994 in order to preserve the memory of the Kreisau Circle and the resistance against Hitler in Franconia. The Initiative leads local events, organizes trips to Kreisau, and supports the Polish Kreisau Foundation.

For more information: www.kreisau-initiative.org (only german language available)