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Young Donors

The Young Donors get involved with the content work of the Freya von Moltke Foundation. They support and participate in the foundation with a reduced contribution of once-only 150 €.

They come together in regular workshops on individual aspects of the Kreisau Circle and thus actively contribute to the educational work of the foundation.

The Young Donors are:

  • Ferdinand Bark, Frankfurt/Main, DE
  • Laura Brüggemann, Berlin, DE
  • Moritz Decker, Berlin, DE
  • Carolin Dembowski, Berlin, DE
  • Dr. Sebastian Dreier-Schmidt, Delft, NL
  • Marie Ellersiek, Göttingen, DE
  • Oliver Engelhardt, Praha, CZ
  • Gregor Feindt, Wiesbaden, DE
  • Dr. Marie-Christine Fuchs, Berlin, DE
  • Ruben Gallé, Mauchenheim, DE
  • Elisabeth Hinz, Bergisch Gladbach, DE
  • Mechthild Kölb, Gießen, DE
  • Sophie von Hülsen, Ahrensburg, DE
  • Lars Krägeling, Berlin, DE
  • Jan Kubišta, Praha, CZ
  • Andre P. H. Müller, Berlin, DE
  • Katharina Muscheler-Lorange, Frankfurt/Main, DE
  • Paula Oppermann, Berlin, DE
  • Felix Pawlowski, Berlin, DE
  • Carl Philipp Riedel, Berlin, DE
  • Tiphaine von Roten, Nyon, CH
  • Thibaut von Roten, Nyon, CH
  • Dr. Ricarda Schnelle, Sehnde, DE
  • Sophie von Schwerin, Zürich, CH
  • Ulrich von Schwerin, Berlin, DE
  • Carl-Friedrich von Stechow, Hamburg, DE
  • Denis Suarsana, Berlin, DE
  • Eike Ulrich Vater, Eschborn, DE
  • Alexander Wendland, Hamburg, DE
  • Jobst von Wintzingerode, Hannover, DE
  • Ya'en Benjamin Zhang, Gunten, CH

Are you interested in our work and want to get involved? For more information please contact Wiebke Harlis (harlis(at)fvms.de).

“In my career as a lawyer and diplomat in the Czech Foreign Affairs Office and later in the European external service for the EU, I utilize the intellectual ideas of the Kreisau Circle for international understanding and international cooperation in a united Europe.” – Jan Kubišta

"For me Kreisau is a very lively place with an impressive history where a lot is moved on a small scale. I support the valuable work in this place as a Young Donor and as part of the Foundation Board of the Freya von Moltke Foundation. "- Carolin Dembowski

"Getting involved in the Young Donors Circle is very important to me as I always understood myself as a European. In times of reviving right-wing populist currents, working for a free and peaceful Europe is, in my opinion, existential."- Felix Pawlowski

Click here for the Young Donors' facebook page.